Adventist Amateur Radio Association International

AARAI CD DiskThe entire AARAI archives going back to around 1960 (AARA and AARAI newsletters, Review and Herald radio logs, Youth’s Instructor logs, and various amateur radio articles in denominational journals), are now available!

Order by sending a check for $10.00 to Jim Hoffer, KW8T, 232 Mercury Way, Berkeley Springs, WV 25411-7438.

All proceeds will go to the AARAI.

Your Support is Needed

We are now able to accept donations via PayPal! A simple click on the icon below is all it takes. Your contributions are very important to us, whether cash donations or equipment. Sometimes we are able to provide a radio to a needy missionary or another individual. In addition, we have expenses for our website, office supplies, and many other things.

Alternatively, checks made out to AARAI may be mailed to our treasurer as follows: Sharon Staddon, KL7ZD, PO Box 50820, Billings, MT 59105-0820

With the right funding, we could add ASI conferences and the like, but it all depends on the generosity of our members and friends. We have many other expenses for web hosting, office expenses, etc.